Can I Use Silicone Lube On Silicone Toys?

We receive a fair amount of sex questions asking for lube recommendations, as well as safety protocol around using silicone lube with silicone sex toys. As many of our listeners know we are HUGE fans of Uberlube - a luxurious silicone lube that is long lasting, body-friendly, has no flavor or scent, and it never gets sticky - basically everything you want in a lubricant. It’s great for all kinds of sex - vaginal, oral, anal - as well as for massage, as a skin conditioner, for your hair frizzies, and more. With that said, there is much debate about whether silicone lubes are compatible with silicone toys, so we are are here to share the current school of thought around silicone protocol.

Q: Can silicone lube be used with silicone toys? Our answer is possibly, AND let’s talk about it! Some silicone lubes such as Uberlube may be compatible with certain silicone toys. In our experience Uberlube works just fine with a number of silicone toys. We generally “spot test” them first, and we ALWAYS give the toy a thorough wash right after use. Spot testing involves rubbing a little drop of the lube into the base of the toy (as long as the base is silicone), letting it sit for 3-4 hours, and then checking to see if the material has changed. If it’s not compatible then you’d likely see that area inflate, although the inflation may be barely noticeable. If it does inflate, wash it right away and the toy should go back to normal as our understanding is even if the lube is not compatible with the toy, it usually takes a number of hours - if not days - for the silicone lube to do damage. In fact, it may take many days or weeks of non-compatible silicone-on-silicone contact to degrade or “melt” the toy as the two different silicone materials bind to one another.

So if you want to use Uberlube or other silicone lubricants with your silicone toys, do spot test them, and if they seem fine, be sure to wash them after each use (like within 2-3 hours). And if you want to be extra safe, we recommend putting a condom over your toy as a protective barrier.

Still feeling some fear? Then save Uberlube for skin-on-skin play (meaning no silicone toys) and use a quality water-based lube with your favorite apparatuses.’s customers are huge fans of Waterslide. Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (not refined) is also a great option as long as you aren’t using latex barriers as it can break down the condom.

And in case you are in the market for some fabulous lube, Shameless Sex fans get 10% off + free shipping with code SHAMELESSSEX on Uberlube (our favorite lubricant) at


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